I’m Cath Davis. I have been councillor for Preston Ward for the past 12 years serving initially for labour and for the last 9 months as an Independent Councillor.
I’ve always put Preston first, listening to their concerns and acting on them. I’ve always made sure that residents are aware of what’s going in the area as well through my regular newsletter “Preston People” and now “North Shields People” Facebook and Instagram page which is regularly updated.
I left the Labour party as I was disillusioned the leadership in the party both locally and nationally. I don’t believe politicians are listening enough to the concerns of residents and their communities. Party politics takes over and the needs of residents, the people who voted us in, don’t seem to be a priority.
My decision to stand as an independent was the best I’ve made. Free of the party constraints I believe can now speak out properly for the residents I serve. So far, I’ve voted against the decision to take school meals out of the council’s control. I’ve spoken out against the delay in the walk way to the fish Quay and the impact the restricted access is having to business. I’ve had a motion passed that gets the council to have disposal sites for single use vapes and greater education about their use especially amongst school children to mention but a few.
Together with members of the community of North Shields we’ve formed the Creatives of North Shields with a view to making valuable contributions to the North Shields 800 next year and to plan future yearly events to platform the people of North Shield’s talent and creativity.
I’ve also held meetings with the community regarding anti-social behaviour and spoke out in council about the lack of support for small businesses reporting shoplifting. This has had an impact in getting the police to set up an operation which has help reduce shoplifting in North Shields.
I believe now standing as an Independent I can really give residents a voice in council. Together with my fellow independents we would like to make a change n the council that is truly representative of the people of North Tyneside. Let’s put the local back into local politics. Please vote for me and my fellow community independents as well as the Independent Mayoral candidate Jamie Discroll.